Security Operations
In recent years the world has had to come to terms with the increase .Of terrorist and criminal attacks. The threat presented is at its greatest in connection with Al-Qaeda. But other extremist groups have also resorted to terrorist tactics to publicise their political objectives. Some of these groups are concerned with domestic issues; others operate on the international stage. Some Seek to target particular countries, organisations or individuals; Others Are more indiscriminate in their targeting. It is important to keep the threat in perspective.
For most of you, terrorism and criminal acts will remain something that you hear about on the news.
Others however will find themselves caught up in some way with a terrorist or criminal incident. This might be through receiving a telephone threat that a bomb has been planted; being evacuated from an area in which police suspect the presence of a bomb or, for the unfortunate persons, being in the vicinity or personally involved in a terrorist or criminal incident.
Security Consultancy Services
At NNK we provide a full range of Security Consultancy Services, Risk Analysis, Threat management and Solutions to support your Business or Social Activities. We would be delighted to discuss your requirements or any broader support that we can provide to yourself or your company and its operations in these hostile or difficult Times.
SECURITY CONCEPT The greatest contribution to your business or personal security can be made by recognising and understanding there is a Threat. By developing a sense of security awareness and encouraging the use of practical and Proven Security Measures within your business, your family and with colleagues and employees. There is no need to over react to security problems. However, the Aim should be to keep at least one step ahead of the opposition. Most criminals and terrorists have a strong instinct for self survival and this factor is paramount in their reconnaissance and target surveillance efforts of businesses and individuals. Therefore with proper management, and by applying time and effort into your security planning, you can positively Deter the criminal and terrorist and deflect their interest towards other areas. Avoidance of self targeting and unnecessary exposure to potential risks are two of the fundamental security concepts.
Close Protection
Whether single or multiple clients. Business or pleasure, we provide a discrete answer to your security needs.
We provide our services worldwide with 48hours notice.
Top-level close protection services from SAS 22 Regiment veterans.
Maritime Security Vessel Protection
NNK Group offers a full range of yacht and commercial maritime security and anti piracy services.
From consultation to security plan implimentation.Real world professional and cost effective solutions from SAS veterans.
Armed Security Teams
NNK Group is one of the first security companies to fully comply with the new BIMCO Guardcon contract.
- General liability insurance, 3rd party – USD 5 million
- Professional indemnity insurance, USD 5 Million
- Personal accident and illness, USD 250 000 per person
- Valid licences for embarking and disembarking armed teams
- Legal weapons, European and US origin.
- All men with STCW95, ENG1, SSO, CRB check, Weapons training, Military/Navy special forces background.
High Risk Environment Operations
NNK Special Services Group has the capacity and experience to provide a full spectrum of options to Diplomats, high profile executives and Multi national companies operating in a High Risk Environment.
From a close protection team deployed in a combat zone to convoy escort in a remote and unforgiving location, high risk security is our expertise.
Our teams of SAS veterans had succesfully operated virtually in every country and completed thousands of individual missions with the highest success rate
We can create and sustain a secured environment in the most hostile places in the world like Iraq and Afghanistan.
Our services in High Risk areas include:
- Close Protection Services
- Static Site Security
- Remote or Hostile Location Surveys
- Surveillance and Counter Measures
- Asset Tracking and Recovery
- Convoy Management and Escorts
Government Services
Professional advise,guidance and training on civil,police and military training tactics and operations.
Asset and personnel protection in High risk areas,civil disorder and anti terrorism solutions.
Special projects and confidential solutions at the highest level of expertise.